Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Bullwalker.

This ONE-SPRING Bow eXtreme has resistance only the strongest are comfortable with. 7-Second exercises with Guaranteed Results. Our Steel-Bows have passed the Bullworker Arnold Challenge test, which only Power Lifters are capable of achieving. Feel the resistance levels change as you go from cable pulls to handle compressions. The feeling of adding Olympic weight plates to your workout just by changing your grip on the product.

The advantage of a Bullworker workout over weights or any other exerciser is the utter simplicity of it. No barbell plates, straps, or stretchie things to change. You simply change position from exercise to exercise. It's fast, and you are never in danger of hurting yourself as you are with barbells. In essence YOU are creating the resistance with how hard you push or pull, so you're not going to be up against a weight or resistance too much for you to handle. A comparable workout with weights would take an hour and a half, at least.

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