Monday, December 03, 2007

Adsense earnings.

I'm going to receive my adsense money within this few days. It's about USD400 and that's mean I'm gonna get around RM1300++. Anyway, I will save it into the bank as soon as possible because I'm afraid to keep it in my wallet. Why?

Because if it stay in my wallet, I will spend all of it like what I've done last time. Now, I also keep my credit card in the drawer. I will only use it if I want to go for a shopping. It's better for me because it's more secure and it also can help me to control my financial freedom.

But own a credit card is not the reason for you to buy everything that you want. I’m sure you don’t to be one of those people who have a bad credit loans record right?

No matter if you’re a blogger, lawyer or even a Prime Minister, you must use it only if you think it’s important. Simply said, use it wisely.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm the same - I always have my earnings from any affiliate programs paid into my savings account. Stops me from spending it!